Function calling itself.
A problem is broken into smaller problem(subproblem) and the solution is generated using the subproblems.
Here's an example of how recursion can be used to calculate the sum of the first N natural numbers:
sum(N) = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ..... + N-1 + N
sum(N) = sum(N-1) + N
Here, sum(N-1) is smaller instance of same problem that is sum(N).
sum(N-1) is known as a subproblem.
How to write a recursive code?
We can solve any recursive problem using below magic steps:
Assumptions: Decide what the function does for the given problem.
Main logic: Break the problem down into smaller subproblems to solve the assumption.
Base case: Identify the inputs for which we need to stop the recursion.
Problem Statement
Given a positive integer N, find the factorial of N.
Solution :
Assumptions: Create a function which -
Takes an integer value
as parameter.Calculates and returns N!
return type should be integer.
Main logic:
The factorial of N is equal to N times the factorial of (N-1)
We made assumption that sum(N) calculates and return factorial of N natural number. Similarly, sum(N-1) shall calculate and return the factorial of N-1 natural number.
factorial(N) = N * factorial(N-1)
Base case: The base case is when N equals 0, i.e., 0! = 1
For example,
When we perform, factorial(N) = N * factorial(N-1)
, value of N keeps on decreasing by 1.
N -> (N-1) -> (N-2) ........ 2 -> 1
for N = 1 as well as 0, the factorial is 1.
So, we can write base case for N = 0 which will also cover for N = 1.
int factorial(int N) {
// base case
if (N == 0) {
return 1;
// recursive case
return N * factorial(N-1);
Dry Run
Problem Statement
The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers.
The sequence goes like this:
N | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | … |
Fibonacci(N) | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | … |
Given a positive integer N, write a function to compute the Nth number in the Fibonacci sequence using recursion.
Input = 6 Output = 8
Assumptions: Create a function which -
Takes an integer value
as parameter.calculates and returns N number in the fibonacci sequence.
return type should be integer.
Main logic: Recursively compute the (N-1)th and (N-2)th numbers in the sequence and add them together to get the nth number.
fibonacci(N) = fibonacci(N - 1) + fibonacci(N - 2)
Base case: If N is 0 or 1, return the corresponding value in the Fibonacci sequence.
- Since, according to the definition of fibonacci sequence, the smallest two possible values of N are
N = 1
&N = 2
, therefore, stop recursion as soon as N becomes 0 or 1.
int fibonacci(int N) {
// base case
if (N == 0 || N == 1) {
return N;
// recursive case
return fibonacci(N - 1) + fibonacci(N - 2);
Function Call Tracing
Problem Statement
Given two integers a and n, find a n using recursion.
a = 2
n = 3
23 i.e, 2 2 2 = 8.
Brute Force Approach
The above problem can be redefined as:
a ^ n = a * a * a......* a (n times).
The problem can be broken into subproblem as:
a ^ n = a ^ (n-1) * a
So we can say that pow(a,n) is equivalent to
pow(a,n) = pow(a,n-1) * a
Here, pow(a,n) is the defined as a^n
We have seen how the problem is broken into subproblems. Hence, it can be solved using recursion.
Below is the algorithm:
Assumption step:
- Define a recursive function pow(a,n).
Main Logic:
Define a recursive case: if n > 0, then calculate the pow(a,n-1).
Return a * pow(a,n-1).
Base Case:
- Base condition: if n = 0, then return 1.
function pow(int a, int n){
if(n == 0) return 1;
return a * pow(a,n-1);
Optimized Approach
We can find pow(a,n) by one more relation :
an = an/2 * an/2 (when n is even)
an = an/2 an/2 a (when n is odd)
Below is the algorithm:
Assumption Step:
- Define a recursive function pow(a,n).
Main Logic:
Calculate pow(a,n/2) and store it in a variable p.
if n is odd, then return p p a.
else return p * p.
Base Condition:
- if n = 0, then return 1.
Function pow(int a, int n){
if(n == 0) return 1;
int p = pow(a, n/2);
if(n % 2 == 0) {
return p * p;
else {
return p * p * a;